So…What’s involved?
There isn’t exactly a definitive answer to the ‘what’. That’s because your business isn’t exactly like anyone else’s and your best clients deserve to be seen as the individuals they are. That means that when we work together, the things we will be doing will be tailored to your needs, your business, your goals and your audience.
The ‘what’ that does remain universal is doing the things that are necessary to get you back to enjoying the parts of your business that encouraged you from the beginning.
Research, out-reach and report.
This is where you benefit from my instinctual desire to fact-find. As I embark on a deep dive into what you’re doing, what you’re not doing and what definitely needs to be done there is plenty to be gained here. Preparation of action and a strategy is a direct result of this stage.
Match and deliver.
With the information and understanding that has been collected already the next step is content, messaging and added value delivered how your audience wants it. It’s about quality, determined by your most motivated clients.
Measurement, understanding and earning.
After the tweaks, experimentation and discovering the best way to fit everything together, realistic leads will be fully participating in the process of your business and they’ll be excited about it.
The world, and the people in it are not static things.
Change and the renewed need to adapt are constant.
Anything else?
I only work with a maximum of four monthly retainer clients at one time. This helps me remain fresh and focused for my clients. [Monthly retainer clients have full access to my services and my brain within the scope of the projects we are working on together]. These clients are ready to make the necessary changes to be of better service to their audience and take back their time and energy to do the things they love.
Hourly billing is not something embraced here. There are a number of reasons for that, all of which I’m happy to discuss with you. Mostly it comes down to something Warren Buffet said simply: Price is what you pay. Value is what you get. Hourly billing gets in the way of understanding value and outcomes and those are the things I am most concerned about. I think you should be too.